Take action on your ideas to bring them to life

Ideas -- Are they any good if they're stuck in your head?

February 06, 20252 min read

Let’s face it – Action is what turns dreams into reality.

Look, having ideas is great. Everyone in the known universe HAS ideas. Ideas are at the very core of our human nature… we are curious and imaginative beings.

But, while great ideas are born inside our minds, we get nowhere with those ideas until we take action and execute them. If we stay dreamy and keep those ideas inside the brain, waiting for the “perfect time” or “perfect plan”, then they ultimately end up staying in the brain.

So... here's how you're going to achieve your business goals: 👊


Ideas alone don’t change anything—execution does. Even the best idea in the world is worthless if it’s not acted upon.

But, what if you make a mistake?


Mistakes and successes both teach you valuable lessons that thinking alone never could. Every single mistake offers education along with it. There is not a successful business person out there who didn’t make numerous mistakes along the way. What sets successful people apart is their ability to take action.

Learning comes from DOING.

And, don’t forget that ideas are everywhere, but execution is rare. You have to be the person who executes, if you want to be in that rare percent that succeeds.

Start small, take steps, and refine as you go. 


The more you take action, the more confident you become. Confidence doesn’t come from just thinking about doing something—it comes from actually doing it.

When you act, you discover new insights, problems, and solutions. This leads to even better ideas that you wouldn’t have thought of just by sitting and brainstorming.

Opportunities come to those who MOVE. Action attracts situations where opportunities arise. Whether it’s networking, business, or personal growth.

Doors open when you take steps forward.

What steps are you taking today, to move forward with your ideas and grow in your business?

  1. Spend a few minutes contemplating your ideas.

  2. Write down your overall goals.

  3. Write down the next few steps toward reaching those goals.

  4. Then, take that first step TODAY.

  5. Create a reminder in your phone each day, or a few times a week that reminds you to re-focus and take another step of action toward your goals.

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